Monday, May 28, 2018

At Real English Victoria (REV), students attending full-time participate in activities that they choose, design, and then complete using many of the tools found at the Buck Institute of Education, BIE ( Students design a project based on the amount of time they will spend at the school. Projects must consider four areas; authentic context (related to something outside the school); real world tasks (students must do things that involve people/organizations from outside the school); tools that students use to communicate or track their progress; and quality standards that show levels of competency.

Today I would like to talk about how REV teachers are able to help students learn English so much faster than others. The secret is how we use a project management tool called Trello ( @Trello #Trello) and the Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB),

Full-time students are asked to tell us what they want to learn by looking at the CLB Can-Do Lists and then prioritizing them by when they want to accomplish these goals. Then students set up a free Trello account and organize their Can-Do Lists as though it is a project, creating timelines and deadlines to guide their study.

Teachers check each day to see what they can do to help each student improve. Because teachers always know what students are working on, students get better help!

This is one of the secrets of REVolutionizing English study by using Project-based Language Learning (#PBLL)!

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Questions about the CELPIP Test?

I have been teaching the English language for 17 years and CELPIP for almost 4 years. I have lived in South Korea (5 years) and Japan (5...