Thursday, October 24, 2019

Questions about the CELPIP Test?

I have been teaching the English language for 17 years and CELPIP for almost 4 years.
I have lived in South Korea (5 years) and Japan (5 years) and I had to learn those languages while I lived there. So I hope that I can help you.

Ask your questions in the comments below. I will record video answers. This should help you with listening and maybe with some of the finer points of CELPIP.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

REVolutionary Language Learning System

The secret to satisfied students is to help them learn English as fast as they that's what Real English Victoria does!

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Watch this to find out why you need to stop speaking your language to learn a new one quickly!

If you want to improve your English language skills quickly you must be surrounded by it all day for an extended period of time. Otherwise, it will take years!

Thursday, February 7, 2019

How to Practice and Improve Anywhere in the World

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It is important that you do all of these activities EVERY DAY. If you are not living in an English-speaking country where you can go to shops, recreation/sports centres, restaurants, etc., and practice English, you need to spend as much time as possible each day doing something in English for at least a couple of hours. This will help you to practice thinking in English, too.

TV and Radio to improve listening

CBC News Listening (CELPIP Listening All Parts)
CBC TV Listening (CELPIP Listening All Parts especially Parts 4 & 5)

Websites to improve fluency (listening and speaking)

Rachel's English Ben Franklin Exercises Listen to each video several times and repeat what Rachel and her guests say. If you practice these often you will improve your listening and speaking skills in a few weeks, even if you are not in an English country!

Songs to improve fluency

Listen to these songs and try to learn them. If you do this it will definitely help your ability to hear and speak English more quickly! Do not focus on YOUR pronunciation of the words that you see, focus on LISTENING TO THE SINGERS PRONUNCIATION OF GROUPS OF WORDS and you should do the same.

Pharrell Williams Happy or for the Weird Al Version (funny)

Frente singing Bizarre Love Triangle

Joni Mitchell Both Sides Now

Monday, February 4, 2019

Featured Post

Questions about the CELPIP Test?

I have been teaching the English language for 17 years and CELPIP for almost 4 years. I have lived in South Korea (5 years) and Japan (5...